9 Slices
Chapter Design, Book Cover, Identity, Postcards • RMIT University, EWF • MelbourneCredit: Francesca Rendle-Short led the 9 Slices initiative at the 2015 Emerging Writers Festival that resulted in a book being produced and a video of the project: 33 students contributed to 9 Slices; Slice Girls Pizzeria and Thousand Pound Bend were the site hosts; Blurb sponsored the printing of he book. Penny Johnson and Tracy O’Shaunghessy contributed to the running of the project, non/fictionLab provided collegial support This project was initiated by the Emerging Writers Festival.
In May 2015, during the Emerging Writer’s Festival, Francesca Rendle-Short from the RMIT School of Media and Communication and Co-Director of the nonfictionLab research group, set out to explore an unusual book experiment. Over 9 days a different team of writer, editor and designer each day, created a new chapter, working from the 1000 £ Bend Cafe and the Slice Girls Pizzeria alongside. Over these 9 days the teams each produced a chapter and on the final day we helped put the 9 together as a book and sent it to press! It was a mad dash to the finish, with postcards, covers and files to produce to the music of Aretha Franklin, eyes smarting with smoke from the wood fired pizza and nights ending in the wee hours of the morning!
Day 6 with the writer Genevieve and our lovely editor, Brendon!
Cover Design, and supporting communication material.