About me

Curriculum Vitae:
I am an Industrial designer working in Design Education, and Research at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia.
I am interested in the design of cultural, discursive, and crafted objects.
I also run an independent design studio of the design of
- Books
- Communication material
- Objects & Products
I also like to explore illustration, both manual and digital.
Until 2003, I ran the studio in New Delhi, India. Most of my work in India was in the realm of Academic publications, working with 4 NGO’s: The Barefoot College, Tilonia, Rajasthan, PRADAN, The Hunger Project, and The Centre for Women’s Development Studies, all based in New Delhi.
I have an independent ‘Making Practice‘ that includes book-binding, Micro-model-furniture, Pin-hole camera making & photography, sewing and papercutting.
Papercut Valentine: 60 x 22 cm
My research is focussed on narratives of the body, metaphors of health and the experiences of Women during Pregnancy and Birth
Sophie Gaur on Teaching Industrial Design for Maternal Health