by sophiegaurstudio | Oct 22, 2016
Salt Wattle Press Logo Design, Resolution over different formats Salt Wattle Press is a Publishing house that operates across across Melbourne and Western Australia. The Salt Wattle (Acacia Maconochieana) is a threatened species of tree mostly confined to the arid far...
by sophiegaurstudio | May 18, 2016
Studio J Peacock badge, Studio J, Melbourne Studio J Studio J is a multi-faceted cosmopolitan dance school based in Melbourne. The studio contacted me to come up with a very quick identity for their school based on the image of a peacock. This both as a reference to a...
by sophiegaurstudio | May 15, 2016
GloriaSMH Press Identity and Website GloriaSMH is a new independent press in Melbourne that publishes poetry and prose from new and established authors. These are usually Australian-born, but not always. Its poetry catalogue, launched April 2016, is already strong,...
by sophiegaurstudio | May 15, 2016
John Leonard Press Identity, Style guide, 32 Books, and Website An affectionate caricature of John Leonard, who started the eponymous press, eminent Poetry Anthologist, who wears spectacles one eye glass blackened. The John Leonard Press is home...
by sophiegaurstudio | May 13, 2016
Sapphire Dance Identity, Illustration, Business Card • Sapphire Dance Company • Melbourne The first image and identity for Sapphire Dance, a classically inspired Bollywood Dance Troupe. Subsequently Sapphire Dance has gained massive experience and produced a huge...